Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Typical food Bandung Indonesian

Bandung specialties shaft is made of flour and fish,
flavored and then steamed, and served
or eaten with boiled eggs, cabbage, tofu,
potatoes and mixed with peanut sauce,
that have been embellished, almost equal to spice peanut sauce Batagor.
These dumplings are in some restaurants,
stalls and street hawkers in the city of Bandung.

People are good at creating food Bandungunique with a unique name as well.Just as with food madefrom peuyeum (tape cassava), which burned on the charcoalwhich is then sprinkled with brown sugar sauce
and grated coconut that is named colenak, stands for 'dicocol enak'
(in good dab).

Peuyeum or tape cassava is the typical food Bandung
who has a sweet taste, slightly acid and aromatic alcohol.
Peuyeum is made from fermented cassava.
People often say peuyeum together with tape cassava,
but actually there is a difference that is peuyeum drier than tape.
This is due to differences in the process of manufacture and storage.
Peuyeum with good quality that is peuyeum that smells and tastes good, sweet and sour.
Peuyeum can be found in a typical shop gift Bandung
like in the vicinity of Terminal Leuwi Panjang, in New Market, and in
traditional markets.

Batagor stands fried tofu meatballsie tahu who is filled with a mixture of aci (tapioca flour) and mackerel fish.Friend eating Batagor is made dumplings that alsofrom a mixture of aci (tapioca flour) and mackerel fish meat,but wrapped in dumpling skin.Both are eaten with the way in dab with peanut sauce and soy sauce.These foods can be found almostin some places that sell foods of Bandung.Batagor Kingsley and Riri are Batagorplaces must be visited if you want to taste the typical Batagor Bandung.

Surabi or pancake is typical Sundanese food
that looks like pancakes but smaller and thicker,
made from rice flour.
Surabi burned by using traditional tools
the furnace and a special mold from clay.
Surabi has a lot of sense,
with a sense of who is considered the most original characteristic is surabi oncom Sunda.
Meanwhile, around campus Enhaii Setiabudhi Street, Bandung
there is a row of stalls selling surabi.
This small shop offers surabi with different flavors
or term in the dictionary of
modern culinary 'topping'.
Starting from oncom, cheese, chocolate, and various flavors of fruit
which creates the sensation of sweet, salty, spicy, and others.
Snacks are
popular in all walks of life
and can be found easily in the traditional markets
or in places where snacks with a fairly cheap price.

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